
Club News

New Rule on Littering

Following a number of complaints from the Council and members of the public about the amount of litter being left by members on banks of the Club lakes, the Club will from now operate a Zero tolerance approach on all Litter including discarded fishing line. Any member that is found leaving any form of litter on the bank side will receive an immediate Life Ban. No bait is to be taken to the waterside in tins, angler must use reusable containers only. Members must take all their rubbish home with them and not dispose of them in the bins around the lake. Anglers are responsible for the tidiness of their peg.

The Club could potentially loose the fishing rights for our waters if we do not adopt this policy, and I appreciate that the majority of our members are not responsible for leaving litter, but a number of incidents recently has clearly highlighted that some anglers are responsible for leaving discarded fishing line, empty packets from fishing tackle, empty sweetcorn tins etc.. and Swans and Ducks are getting caught up in discarded line. As usual it’s the minority who are potentially spoiling it for everyone!

I have amended our Club Rules on our website to include this change to our rules. They can be viewed here Rules & Constitution – Brynmill & District Angling Club (

Many thanks

Steve Herman – Club Secretary